Monday, January 30, 2012

How to have an Organization!

Having been through a lot of different steps in my business I have learned a lot of different things.  It is so important for you to constantly be in a process of perfecting.  But, one of the things I have noticed that can happen to a lot of people in this industry is that they fade in and out of success.  It doesn't matter what company it is, it happens in all of them.  So what are the keys to keeping yourself from that?  I feel after speaking to some very wise people who have spent a lot of time in the industry that there are 4 things that if you do will keep you from that.  The only thing is this advice might contradict the BUILD IT quick and BIG philosophy.

1. Fellowship- You need to have fellowship with your organization and you need to really care about them.  Now I mean really CARE, what do I mean by this well this means you have to not be afraid to tell them what they need to hear not what they want to hear.  Being easy on people doesn't only do a dis-service to you but them as well.

2. Follow up- The art of the follow up is so important and can not be emphasized enough, because if you sell a product that is supposed to be really awesome and the customer doesnt experience that for some reason maybe they used the product wrong this may discourage them and cause them to quit, using/reccomending your product.

3. Recruit capable prospects-  I was recently watching a video from a industry leader and he talked about oberserving people around you and seeing which people you would choose as the best people for your organization.  Remember you want stable, capable, qualified prospects NOT LOSERS.

4. Passion-  Make sure that the people you bring in your organization want, and are willing to purchase the products you sell before they become distributors.  This is very important because they need to be passionate about the product before they sell it otherwise they wont last through the hard times in the business.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Posture why do I need it?

Lately I have come into contact with a lot of other marketers online, mainly on facebook.  And it never ceases to amaze me how many people in MLM have NO posture whatsoever.  There are a lot of different terms for posture and my favorite synonym is swagger.  You might find this funny but there is a lot to learn from the way that Rap moguls carry themselves.  I think the reason that mindset is so important especially when you first start is prospects see right through you.  So if your trying to recruit people, and you yourself are struggling and have no posture.  Lets just say things probably wont go well for you in terms of recruitment.

So what should you do? Well here are my 5 suggestions to help you on your way to better posture.  Following these suggestions will do a few things first it will maybe help you realize some things that will give you better posture. Also they will help you realize your own value.  I am a visual person so telling me stuff will not get through to me.  So assuming that your like me in the slightest, these things should give you a better idea of how your business can impact the community.

1. Go to a staffing agency you don't have to spend all day there but just go in for a bit.  If your experience is anything like mine was then you will see people lined out the door just to get a chance to work.

2. Watch some videos of someone who you think has a lot of posture or value.  Just watch that video as many times as you think is necessary. I suggest that you choose a couple of videos and just spend a hour or two watching them.

3. Go to the mall on a Saturday afternoon if you think that people aren't spending money you would be sadly mistaken. Watch a store that you think sells useless crap and see how many people go in and actually buy worthless things.  This one will surprise you.

4. Go out side of  pawn shop and watch people take their stuff to pawn for money.  This might make you cry.  Every time you feel like not talking to a friend about your business, or mentioning it to somebody think of all the people taking their stuff to get a 1/10th of its true value to make ends meet.

5. Go a food bank you will be shocked at probably the size of the facility and how much food is stored there, but also the fact that the amount of  food they do have is not enough.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Marketing Plan Pssh do you need it?

Well the obvious answer from me to that question is of course.  Most people who are in MLM seem to be confused about what it is we really do.  I don't blame them a lot of the people that I see at some of the business overviews I have been invited to in the past don't have a clue how they accomplished success in this industry.  So what do they tell people (just talk to your friends and family) I have got news for you in case you didn't already know they probably wont join.  The reason why is a couple of things but more than likely it has to do with the fact that you don't have a solid plan.  A lot of times when I ask people who are struggling with network marketing if they have a marketing plan, I can normally guess what answer they will give me.  Most of the time its well I have never thought of that.  If you have been in the business for more than a year and you have never thought to sit down and create a plan of action I don't honestly understand how you came this far.  To be honest with you even during the days where I was struggling this was something I did.  Now understand I didn't do it effectively or well for that matter but at least I had an idea of how to make a change.  Change is how you build a business, because to compete in a market that is ever changing it requires you to follow it.  So here are 4 things I think you need to have a plan for in order to make Q1 of 2012 successful.

1. Plan of Action:  This is really a plan of the active methods your going to use to capture and acquire new leads and potential prospects for your organization.  Your strategy doesn't have to be polished it doesn't even have to be good just create one.  This business is all about constantly adapting so even if you suck at first one day if proceed long enough you will achieve your desired results.

2. Budget Plan:  This might seem like a joke but I kid you not one of the important things about business is developing the right habits that will create skill sets that produce success and tracking everything you do.  If you don't create a budget for your business it creates several problems for you.  A. You don't know how much your spending vs. how much your making  B. You don't know where the holes in your finances are.  If you document and track everything you do it will allow you to see what things that you do produce results and what doesnt.

3. Prospect Plan:  Your going to create a plan of how many people you need to talk to in order to meet the recruiting goals you want to achieve and how to do that.  If you come up with a goal for recruitment but don't have a plan find someone who knows what to do and is someone with the skill to train you how to do it.

4. Business Goals (aka VISION):  Unless you haven't already figured it out people are easily influenced if you have the right vision.  For example imagine with me here for a moment that Martin Luther King had just said "yeah uh love God and equality for all."  Would anyone have joined him NO but he took emotion and planing and ingenuity and created a movement. That is how powerful the right perspective is in MLM or anything.

So go out there and pound the pavement and make some money.

Friday, January 20, 2012

My New Method for Success

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I have been in MLM for a year and in that time I have had a lot of confused moments when it comes to selling.  It seemed like this ellusive beast that I could never get the hang of.  And to be quite honest I could never accomplish what my goals were.  Here are 5 things I learned that are propelling me now that I didnt have a year ago.

1. Cold Calling-  I would rather call it warm calling every industry needs exposure so whatever your product or service is you need to find where your potential prospects list their companies information.  A lot of times in my experience there are massive lists of people that you can call and you don't have to pay a dime for it.

2. Get out in front of people-  This seemed very hard for me to do in the beginning because I didn't know where to find people I could talk to that would be open to just chatting.  Well I have 2 solutions for this problem.
A. Dont talk about yourself (TALK ABOUT THEM)
B. Go to conventions or tradeshows those are awesome places to meet business owners who are already in MLM or are at least open to the idea.

3. Be consistent-  If you stay consistent you will succeed in anything the reason why I cant explain but I know it is true.  Especially in MLM or online marketing most people quit within 3-9months so if you just stay in it long enough everybody will see you as a expert for outlasting everyone.

4. Don't get emotional-  I know it is hard to do but you have to realize that your emotions are dangerous and especially in this field because they keep you from doing the things you need to do to get ahead.

5. Get A Mentor-  This is very self explanatory because if you don't have one ,  and I mean a good one someone who has had people on their team become millionaires.  If you don't have a good mentor your going to spend a lot of time following bad advice and getting no results and a bad mentor if you don't get rid of them might drive you so insane that you might quit entirely so get one.  Even if you have to go into another company just to have a mentor that is worth spending time around do it trust me I have been there myself.

STAY TUNED for my next blog post where I go over the actual system that I discovered that is giving me AMAZING results.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stop Being Selfish

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I was watching a training today that was in the back office of  MLSP and I had a realization that not only had I been making excuses for not doing the things I needed to do for my business, but I had also not realized that something had happened to me today that could have substantial value to me and others.  People you have got to be aware of the things that happen to you in your day that my serve as inspiration to others.  You have power that you probably aren't really aware of. Maybe your afraid to share for whatever reason.  Well decide today that your going to stop doing what you have been doing and start doing what you need to do.

Anyways earlier today I was calling some leads on craigslist when I called upon a gentleman that my heart went out to.  He had a speech impediment and it seemed to give him quite a bit of trouble.  And when we were speaking on the phone with a tone I cant describe he asked me if he needed to send me a resume.  The way he said it almost brought me to tears.  I felt for him, because growing up I was the subject of hazing and I feel for people who have gone through that like I have.  I could tell that he was down on his luck and needed something.  At that point I said to him I have got something here that I believe will definitely help you if your open to it.  He was ready to sign up but didn't have the money.  I said when could you get it because it is a very small fee to join my company.  He said "Next Wendnesday" I said great I cant wait to help you.  What I didnt realize at the time was how many people he could inspire.  If this gentleman spent his time working the business and does what I tell him to I think he can really do well at this, which that in itself is powerful enough to inspire lots of people.

There are things that will hinder you in life or MLM fear being probably the biggest thing.  So stop being afraid of what people will think or say about the things you do.  All that matters is weather your happy in the end, keep an open mind though because some people might be telling you things that you think are critical just to help you.  This business is all about learning and improving.  Your going to have to get used to improving or else things will not turn out well for you.  Well thats all I have for today hope I helped some of you folks and lets make the end of this week great.