Friday, January 20, 2012

My New Method for Success

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I have been in MLM for a year and in that time I have had a lot of confused moments when it comes to selling.  It seemed like this ellusive beast that I could never get the hang of.  And to be quite honest I could never accomplish what my goals were.  Here are 5 things I learned that are propelling me now that I didnt have a year ago.

1. Cold Calling-  I would rather call it warm calling every industry needs exposure so whatever your product or service is you need to find where your potential prospects list their companies information.  A lot of times in my experience there are massive lists of people that you can call and you don't have to pay a dime for it.

2. Get out in front of people-  This seemed very hard for me to do in the beginning because I didn't know where to find people I could talk to that would be open to just chatting.  Well I have 2 solutions for this problem.
A. Dont talk about yourself (TALK ABOUT THEM)
B. Go to conventions or tradeshows those are awesome places to meet business owners who are already in MLM or are at least open to the idea.

3. Be consistent-  If you stay consistent you will succeed in anything the reason why I cant explain but I know it is true.  Especially in MLM or online marketing most people quit within 3-9months so if you just stay in it long enough everybody will see you as a expert for outlasting everyone.

4. Don't get emotional-  I know it is hard to do but you have to realize that your emotions are dangerous and especially in this field because they keep you from doing the things you need to do to get ahead.

5. Get A Mentor-  This is very self explanatory because if you don't have one ,  and I mean a good one someone who has had people on their team become millionaires.  If you don't have a good mentor your going to spend a lot of time following bad advice and getting no results and a bad mentor if you don't get rid of them might drive you so insane that you might quit entirely so get one.  Even if you have to go into another company just to have a mentor that is worth spending time around do it trust me I have been there myself.

STAY TUNED for my next blog post where I go over the actual system that I discovered that is giving me AMAZING results.

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