Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Marketing Plan Pssh do you need it?

Well the obvious answer from me to that question is of course.  Most people who are in MLM seem to be confused about what it is we really do.  I don't blame them a lot of the people that I see at some of the business overviews I have been invited to in the past don't have a clue how they accomplished success in this industry.  So what do they tell people (just talk to your friends and family) I have got news for you in case you didn't already know they probably wont join.  The reason why is a couple of things but more than likely it has to do with the fact that you don't have a solid plan.  A lot of times when I ask people who are struggling with network marketing if they have a marketing plan, I can normally guess what answer they will give me.  Most of the time its well I have never thought of that.  If you have been in the business for more than a year and you have never thought to sit down and create a plan of action I don't honestly understand how you came this far.  To be honest with you even during the days where I was struggling this was something I did.  Now understand I didn't do it effectively or well for that matter but at least I had an idea of how to make a change.  Change is how you build a business, because to compete in a market that is ever changing it requires you to follow it.  So here are 4 things I think you need to have a plan for in order to make Q1 of 2012 successful.

1. Plan of Action:  This is really a plan of the active methods your going to use to capture and acquire new leads and potential prospects for your organization.  Your strategy doesn't have to be polished it doesn't even have to be good just create one.  This business is all about constantly adapting so even if you suck at first one day if proceed long enough you will achieve your desired results.

2. Budget Plan:  This might seem like a joke but I kid you not one of the important things about business is developing the right habits that will create skill sets that produce success and tracking everything you do.  If you don't create a budget for your business it creates several problems for you.  A. You don't know how much your spending vs. how much your making  B. You don't know where the holes in your finances are.  If you document and track everything you do it will allow you to see what things that you do produce results and what doesnt.

3. Prospect Plan:  Your going to create a plan of how many people you need to talk to in order to meet the recruiting goals you want to achieve and how to do that.  If you come up with a goal for recruitment but don't have a plan find someone who knows what to do and is someone with the skill to train you how to do it.

4. Business Goals (aka VISION):  Unless you haven't already figured it out people are easily influenced if you have the right vision.  For example imagine with me here for a moment that Martin Luther King had just said "yeah uh love God and equality for all."  Would anyone have joined him NO but he took emotion and planing and ingenuity and created a movement. That is how powerful the right perspective is in MLM or anything.

So go out there and pound the pavement and make some money.

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