Saturday, February 4, 2012

Presenting how should you do it?

  This is a question I have been hearing a lot about lately and I think it is incredibly relevant in terms of the profession of network marketing.  In the begining of my MLM career I thought that my presentation was what would create my financial success.  Well I happened to be off in that respect because that is not the way the real world works.  Being able to present is not really the most important part of your skills as a marketer.  You may ask yourself how could this possibly be true, well while it is good for you to be fairly proficient at presenting your business it is really not the presentation that people identify with.  This is mainly because people dont look at a presentation on merits of how well you covered your points and weather or not you achieved getting through your presentation in a flawless fashion.  What they look at is the hidden stuff, this is why it is particularly bad for people who have little product/company knowledge to present the product.  Because while they may very well be able to talk about the company with some intelligence they may try to hide the fact that they are in desperate need of  money,leads, etc.  And these are the exact things the audience will pick up on.

So as far as presenting goes it is more important for you to send them to a video and follow up.  My primary company which I love doesnt have a great video to send people to so this was something I struggled a lot with in the begining.  I dont really think a whole lot about presenting anymore because I use automated systems.  For example I have a capture page that I send people to that gets them curious about what it is that I do.  Then I send them to a personal video channel I created on the internet that has a bunch of different videos that I think do a good job of explaining the product.  Then if the prospect went through and watched all those more than likely all I have to do is explain to them what I do in my personal business and how my team has a very cuting edge approach.  

The most important thing you want to remember in all of this , is while the business that we are in at its base level is a numbers game it is more important that we FOCUS on building relationships with as many people as humanly possible.

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