Friday, October 7, 2011

No Excuses!

I wanted to delve into a topic today that I have noticed to be far too common in society today, that is excuses. Almost everywhere I go somebody is giving excuses why they can't do this or that. Stop doing that if you are, don't ever do it again. Most people are weak in there resolve which is a whole other topic entirely.
But our business is 100% based on our leadership skills. Leaders dont make excuses, because excuses are something people do to make them feel better about not taking action. You are better than that, anything is possible but only if you live life without making excuses.
Our days are numbered don't ever forget that. If you make excuses you will never actually accomplish the things you want because you didnt do the legwork. Plus being successful is all about self commitment. You have to make the decision right now... this second.. no more waiting.. that your success in life is the most important thing. It is everything you have. Failure is not an option. This is how winners think, how they live.
Steps to no more excuses:
1. Drill Sergant: have someone in your life who will push you and not take any excuses.
2. Schedule Your Time: this is so important because no matter how much time you put into your business in order to maximize the impact you need to do this. Also stick to the schedule try not to let anything keep you from doing what you need to do.
3. No more comfort: if your not pushing yourself everyday to do more your not living up to your potential.
War Stories
Today I had a interesting/enlightening experience which was very fortunate. When I went out prospecting today I went into a computer store. The gentleman in there gave me the oddest look I have ever seen a human make. So I walk in and start talking to him about the free coupon I had and it was as if he was uncomfortable speaking with people. HE OWNS A BUSINESS. Why in the world would you start a business if you don't like people. However he gave me a no and instead of being bummed out I walked out and laughed. It was at that point that I thought to myself that this should be my reaction whenever someone says no. So today's lesson is lighten up and talk rejection less personally.

Good Selling!

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